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Alan Wake 2: Remedy Talks About Development Challenges and Buzz at Gamescom


Developing Alan Wake 2 was challenging, especially with a smaller resource allocation. Learn more about how the team managed Alan Wake 2's development and Gamescom's reception of the game.

Thomas Puha Tweets About Challenges in Developing Alan Wake 2

Toughest Project During His 8 Year Tenure At Remedy


Creating a highly-anticipated sequel to a beloved cult-classic title is no easy feat in gaming. Thomas Puha, Communications Director at Remedy Games, recently took to Twitter to shed some light on some of the studio's challenges while developing Alan Wake 2. Puha said this project was the most challenging endeavor during his eight-year tenure at Remedy.

Puha opened up about the hurdles the development team had encountered in a series of tweets. One such hurdle was the significant impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which disrupted workflows and posed unforeseen challenges for game development studios worldwide. Like many others, Remedy Games had to adapt to the new reality of remote work and pandemic-related restrictions.

Challenges and Solutions


However, the difficulties extended beyond the pandemic. Puha noted that Remedy was undergoing its most substantial transformation in its 28-year history. While it was promising for the studio's future, this transformation presented its own unique set of challenges. These kinds of changes often require adjusting to new processes, technologies, and working methods, all of which can affect a game's development.

Despite these obstacles, Puha expressed pride in the team's perseverance. He mentioned that they were able to navigate the challenges and maintain progress on Alan Wake 2 for approximately four years. It's important to note that the gaming industry's term development time is flexible, with its various phases and iterations.

Puha highlighted that they achieved this monumental task with an average team size of around 130 people, emphasizing that their resource allocation was significantly smaller than that of first-party studios or larger game development companies. The implication is that Remedy Games had to make the most of its resources to deliver a high-quality game.

Reception At Gamescom 2023


Despite the arduous development journey, Puha acknowledged the positive reception and buzz surrounding Alan Wake 2. He mentioned that the game garnered attention and recognition during its showcase, an encouraging sign for the studio and fans eagerly awaiting the sequel.

It's clear that Remedy Games is navigating the challenging waters of game development with determination and resilience, and fans can anticipate an exceptional gaming experience when Alan Wake 2 finally sees the light of day.

Thomas Puha's Tweet About Alan Wake 2


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