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Mortal Kombat 1 Brings Back Reptile


Mortal Kombat 1 features Reptile as a core character once more! Learn more about the additional characters in the roster, the newest trailer, backstory, and gameplay revealed.

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Mortal Kombat 1 Reveals Reptile's Return To the Series

Reptile Joins The Mortal Kombat 1 Core Roster


EVO 2023 was a fascinating occasion for fighting game fans, and the enthusiasm peaked when Mortal Kombat 1 hit the stage to showcase its latest roster additions. One of the most anticipated announcements of the event was the return of beloved franchise character Reptile to the series. Fans rejoiced as they saw this famous villain make his triumphant return to the game's main lineup.

During the event, the host showcased several clips of impressive combos from different fighting game matches, building up anticipation for the big reveal. The host invited Tyler Lansdown, Community Manager at NetherRealm Studios, on stage. As the host conversed with Tyler Lansdown, the question on everyone's mind was finally answered: Reptile will indeed be part of the Mortal Kombat 1 roster. This announcement excited the gaming community as players reminisced about their battles with this agile and cunning character in the first game.

Reptile and Other Characters Revealed


Reptile has been a part of Mortal Kombat since its inception, making him a series icon. For decades, he has captivated the hearts of players with his unique attacks and remarkable appearance. Mortal Kombat 1 will commemorate its roots by returning Reptile as a core fighter, allowing fans to relive the memories of their early gaming experiences.

But that's not all. The trailer revealed two new characters to the cast: Ashrah and Havik. These characters, like Reptile, hold a particular place in the hearts of Mortal Kombat fans. Ashrah, the demon-hunting warrior, and Havik, the chaotic and unpredictable cleric, both add a new dimension of complexity and excitement to the game.

Sareena, who first appeared as a non-playable boss in Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero, will also be making a return as a Kameo character. Being a Kameo character, she won't be available to be used as a playable character, but she'll be able to assist you in battles.

Gameplay Revealed on the Banished Trailer

The Mortal Kombat 1 trailer also showed snippets of gameplay with these recently revealed characters, giving fans a preview of what's to store. The suspense around the game's premise was increased by the dramatic action segments that gave Reptile and Ashrah a brief but intriguing past.

Fans can quickly jump into the action and explore the vast array of characters when Mortal Kombat 1 launches on September 19, 2023. Reptile, Ashrah, and Havik will join a cast that already includes well-known figures like Johnny Cage, Scorpion, Liu Kang, Baraka, and Kitana.

Additionally, Kombat Pack 1 has been announced by NetherRealm Studios as a special present for fans and will feature various intriguing DLC characters, including Omni-Man. Long after its initial release, Mortal Kombat 1 will continue to enthrall players thanks to the promise of additional fighters and content.


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