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Payday 3 Potentially Getting Offline Mode


Payday 3’s disastrous launch day had matchmaking issues that prevented players from creating lobbies and joining matches. Now the devs are considering an offline mode. Read on to learn about what the developers discussed and their plans.

Payday 3 Possibly Getting Offline Mode

Payday 3 Devs Discuss Less Dependency on Online Services


Payday 3 global brand director Almir Listo and lead producer Andreas Häll Penninger addressed players’ questions and concerns about the game during a live Q&A on Twitch. The devs assured fans they are focused on establishing server stability and are continuing work on the game. They revealed that they were working on a post-launch campaign, but had to reprioritize and focus on stabilizing the servers in light of the persisting technical issues seen on launch day.

Listo read off a statement released by Starbreeze and reiterated that they are currently evaluating all options to address the issues in Payday 3. This includes making the game "less dependent on online services". They have shared that one of their top priorities is deciding whether or not to contract a new partner for matchmaking services.


When asked what being less dependent on online services meant, the devs explained that they are considering all possible options, as well as the resources that go into the work. "Everything is on the table for us right now", said Listo. They went on to tell fans that they cannot promise immediate solutions nor commit to yes-or-no questions for future features for Payday 3.

Penninger, however, promised that they keep track of what fans want to see in the game, such as an offline mode and quality of life updates. They have stated that they cannot give clear answers yet on the topic of an offline mode for Payday 3, but they are evaluating whether they can bring that into the game.

Payday 3 Devs Acknowledge Persistent Server Issues


Payday 3 has been continually fixing the server issues but the matchmaking function seems to be a persistent problem that players run into. Listo acknowledged in their Q&A that Payday 3 servers are still not stable. "We are working on making sure that they are. We're evaluating every other potential way forward. And we're looking to make your experience as good as it possibly can be as soon as we can."

Starbreeze Press Statement
Paday 3 Devs Twitch Q&A


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