Saros, a Returnal Spiritual Successor, is Coming 2026


Saros was just announced at the February 2025 State of Play, slated for release sometime in 2026. Read on to learn more about Housemarque’s upcoming new game!

Saros Was Announced at the State of Play February 2025

Releasing in 2026


Saros, a new game by Housemarque, was just revealed at State of Play February 2025. The new title is set to be released for the PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 5 Pro in around 2026. It will carry on and evolve the thrilling gameplay from the studio’s previous 3rd-person action game, Returnal, and will center around Arjun Devraj, played by Hollywood actor Rahul Kohli.

Come Back Stronger


Saros was developed in order for Returnal to stand on its own, as per Housemarque’s creative director Gregoy Louden. Saros was established to start a separate IP which will iterate over Returnal’s storytelling and mechanics. With Returnal being an ever-changing rougelike experience in shifting biomes, Saros will feature permanent and evolving loadouts, from weapons and suits, in order to "Come Back Stronger;" to eventually triumph over any challenges that player may fall to.

An extended look into gameplay will become available down the line in 2025.


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