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Palworld Team Calls Their Child the Wrong Name


Palworld recently confused fans by misnaming one of their Pals. Read here to learn more about this and how fans reacted to this mistake.

Palworld Forgets Their Pal’s Name

Incorrect Information for Blazehowl’s Name

Pocketpair recently shared a promotional update on their Palworld X (Twitter) account for their Pal, Blazehowl, but an oversight led to the Pal being mistakenly named Kingferno in both the post's caption and the accompanying promotional video.

Adding to the mix-up, fans also noted that both the post and video incorrectly listed Blazehowl's Paldex number as No. 061, whereas it should have been No. 084 as pointed out by @Caffeinatedking.

Palworld's social media team promptly responded to the error, issuing an apology and confirming that "the correct name should be Blazehowl." They also rectified Blazehowl's name on their YouTube title. However, Pocketpair opted not to alter Blazehowl's Paldex number, retaining it as No. 061. In the promotional video's description, they clarified that the "Paldeck No. does not align with the in-game number of the Pal."

The question remains unanswered regarding whether this inconsistency resulted from an oversight or a deliberate choice by Pocketpair. This uncertainty arises amidst Palworld's ongoing early access phase, especially considering the company's history of name alterations, such as the renaming of Ice Reptyro to Reptyro Cryst.

However, some fans speculated that Kingferno might have been Blazehowl's former name. YouTube user @subjectmax commented, "Kingferno was Blazehowl's old/internal name," suggesting a potential explanation for the discrepancy.

Surprisingly, fans embraced this error with enthusiasm, as evidenced by numerous comments on both their Twitter and YouTube channels expressing a preference for Kingferno over Blazehowl. For instance, user @chippyaccount on X(Twitter) remarked, "Kingferno is a better name than Blazehowl," while YouTube user @Gatitasecsii commented, "Kingferno sounds even better lol."


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