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WoW Players Unite to Support Ukraine with $1.5M Charity Pet Initiative


World of Warcraft and BlueCheck Ukraine collaboration supports Ukrainian relief efforts for war victims. Learn more about the Charity Pet Initiative, the causes it supports, and the history of fundraising in the WoW Community.

World of Warcraft - BlueCheck Ukraine raises $1.5 Million for Ukraine

Aids Grassroots Organizations


The World of Warcraft (WoW) community has provided $1.5 million to BlueCheck Ukraine organizations. This collaboration intends to assist a committed team of professionals in humanitarian crisis response, working round-the-clock to locate, confirm, and support local Ukrainian relief groups engaging in vital life-saving and humanitarian activities.

This project was a crucial turning point in the game industry's efforts to support international humanitarian concerns. The partnership between WoW and BlueCheck Ukraine represents a potent fusion of virtual reality and the real world.

A Call to Action: Pet Pack for Ukraine


In July of 2023, World of Warcraft introduced a groundbreaking way for players to directly contribute to life-saving humanitarian endeavors in Ukraine. This was made possible by selling an exclusive "Pet Pack for Ukraine," available in-game and through Blizzard's shop, for $20. The pack featured two pets, each donning the colors of the Ukrainian flag - Sunny, a golden retriever pet for World of Warcraft, and Flurky, an adorable baby Murloc pet for Wrath of the Lich King Classic.

BlueCheck Ukraine: A Beacon of Hope


BlueCheck Ukraine, founded in 2022 by renowned actor and activist Liev Schreiber, is at the vanguard of offering essential assistance and support to those adversely affected by Russia's attack on Ukraine. With these limited-edition charity pets, WoW players have tangible proof of their donations and can know that their funds went to a good cause.

Mila Kunis, a well-known actress and producer, backed the cause and encouraged others to participate. She emphasized her delight in being a part of the World of Warcraft community. She also recognized their inherent kindness and the tremendous achievements they can achieve when working together for a common objective. Kunis remarked, "The World of Warcraft community is the first gaming community I was ever a part of, with strangers who didn't care who or what I was–I know how giving they can be, and what they can achieve when we work together. I'm proud to be making a difference to countless lives in Ukraine alongside them."

Touching Lives, One Organization at a Time


Many grassroots organizations in Ukraine received the necessary financing thanks to BlueCheck Ukraine. These include Project Victory, Move Ukraine, Ukraine Assistance Organization, Voices of Children, Save Peace in Ukraine, Starenki, Cash for Refugees, Spivdiia, and Taps Ukraine. These groups have focused on providing basic necessities for Ukrainians caught up in the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict, such as food, housing, and medical supplies.

A Legacy of Giving


The WoW charity pet program has a long history of significantly contributing to worldwide humanitarian concerns. Through partnerships with groups like in 2018 and the successful campaign that raised over $1 million for Doctors Without Borders in 2021, it has raised over $18 million over the years.

Blizzard Entertainment committed to giving BlueCheck 100% of the Pet Pack for Ukraine sales obtained from July 25 to August 29, 2023, excluding chargebacks, refunds, and applicable taxes.

The World of Warcraft community has again shown the massive potential for good change within the game industry by uniting through the virtual kingdoms of Azeroth. This fantastic accomplishment demonstrates the limitless capacity of people to provide a helping hand, even during the most trying circumstances. The $1.5 million donated to BlueCheck Ukraine is evidence of the global generosity of gamers and a ray of hope for those in need.


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