Final Fantasy XVI Release Date and Preview | Everything We Know So Far


Following the success of Final Fantasy XV by Square Enix, the next game in the series is set to make massive waves. Read on to learn everything we know so far about Final Fantasy XVI including its release date, plot, and gameplay.

Final Fantasy XVI Release Date

June 22, 2023


According to game director Naoki Yoshida during PlayStation's latest State of Play, Final Fantasy XVI will be released on June 22, 2023 worldwide.

Everything We Know About Final Fantasy XVI

Latest Trailer

Story Plot


Final Fantasy XVI is set in the medieval realm of Valisthea, a land where Mothercrystals, gigantic crystalline formations that surround the environment with aether, are found. But as the aether dims and the blight spreads, the precarious peace gives way to an eruption of conflict between nations.

Unlike the sci-fi setting of Final Fantasy XV, the latest release goes back to its medieval fantasy roots, complete with swords, shields, and plate armor, as well as being themed around crystals.



Final Fantasy XVI is an action RPG where the player takes control of Clive Rosfield in a combat system that looks similar to Final Fantasy XV. The player can chain regular attacks with powerful Eikonic abilities to create combos that take you from the ground to the air and back.

To make the game easier, a Story-Focused Mode will be implemented, allowing the player to automatically chain attacks and abilities with the touch of a button and dodge enemy attacks. This mode will have many options to tinker with, allowing the player to customize the fighting experience to the appropriate skill level of their choice. The player can even choose to have the game slow down before being hit by an attack to evade.

Clive will also be accompanied by allies at specific points in the game. Unlike the playable character, they don't take orders from the players and instead fight as they see fit, with one exception: Clive's loyal canine companion Torgal, who the player can directly command to unleash devastating tag-team combos and heal Clive's wounds.

To deliver a more enjoyable experience, Final Fantasy XVI will not feature a true open-world map. Taking heed of the general criticisms for Final Fantasy XV's map, such as being barren or underdeveloped, the latest game in the series will not have an open world but instead feature large explorable sections to give players a better feel of the world.



Here is a quick introduction to some of the characters the player can meet in the game.


Clive Rosfield
The main character and the first son of the Archduke of Rosaria. Though he was supposed to inherit the Phoenix's flames, it instead chose his younger brother Joshua. Clive dedicated himself to the blade and swore to protect his brother until he won the ducal tournament and became the First Shield of Rosaria at just fifteen years of age.


Joshua Rosfield
The second son of the Archduke of Rosaria, who became the Dominant of the Phoenix soon after being born. Despite his noble upbringing, he treats everybody kindly, especially Clive, whom he idolizes. He often laments inheriting the Phoenix's flames when his courageous and strong brother didn't.


Jill Warrick
Hailing from the fallen Northern Territories, Jill became a ward of Rosaria at an early age. As someone raised closely with the Rosfield brothers, she is treated like a genuine part of the family.


Found as a pup in the Northern Territories during an expedition, he was gifted to Clive and Joshua. He survived the tragedy that almost ended the Rosfield bloodline until he was reunited with Clive over a decade later. He now serves his master with fierce devotion.


Cidolfus Telamon
A soldier-turned-outlaw that strives to create a place where oppressed Bearers and exploited Dominants can die on their own terms. He is also a man of science who researches how one can live in the badlands out of necessity. He is also a Dominant, awakening to the power of Ramuh after setting foot on Valisthean shores.


Benedikta Harman
The cold-hearted Dominant of Garuda. A talented woman of the sword and subterfuge, Benedikta Harman functions as the commander of Waloed's elite intelligencers.


Hugo Kupka
A once-nameless footman of the Republican Army, his awakening as the Dominant of Titan pushed him into the forefront of Dhalmekian politics. He becomes the Permanent Economic Adviser, wielding great power in the nation's armies and policy making.


Dion Lesage
The crown prince of the Holy Empire of Sanbreque and leader of the dragoons, the nation's noblest and most feared order of knights. Songs of his heroism and his Eikon Bahamut are sung by Sanbrequois bards.


Barnabas Tharmr

A landless and titleless wanderer, Barnabas won himself a kingdom by his skill with a blade. He used the power of his Eikon, Odin, to quell the eventual revolt of the beastmen single-handedly, bringing the entire eastern continent under the Waloeder banner.

PC Port


Unfortunately, Final Fantasy XVI will be a PS5 exclusive on release. However, Final Fantasy XVI Producer Naoki Yoshida has stated on an official Japanese PlayStation Blog post that the game won't release for another PC six months after the PlayStation launch. So the earliest we can expect a PC version of the game will be in early 2024.

Final Fantasy XVI Trailers

FINAL FANTASY XVI – Awakening Trailer | PS5 (Released September 17, 2020)

The teaser trailer for the latest Final Fantasy game delivers an excess of action and narrative, giving hopeful players a glimpse of the game's scale, mechanics, and story. More notably, it shows the game's return to the medieval setting of the past games.

FINAL FANTASY XVI “DOMINANCE” (Released June 3, 2022)

The Dominants, a major component of the story, are finally given the spotlight, along with the Eikons they awaken to. The trailer explicitly depicts fights between them as part of the gameplay, not just cutscenes to watch.

FINAL FANTASY XVI “AMBITION” (Released October 20, 2022)

Giving more exposition to the story, Final Fantasy XVI's third trailer fleshes out the world even further by showcasing the Mothercrystals and their importance to people's lives. The many nations that exist and scheme for their ideals and their people are also given center stage in this dramatic video.

FINAL FANTASY XVI - REVENGE (Released December 9, 2022)

The trailer reveals a more personal story of the main character, Clive, including his turmoils and reason for setting out. The abilities he wields, the friends he makes, and the conviction he possesses are shown in this melodramatic trailer.

FINAL FANTASY XVI Launch Trailer SALVATION (Released May 25, 2023)

The trailer is a cinematic treat showcasing the main characters' motivations and the heavy burden that Clive's shoulders carry. It is presented in a heart-racing montage full of action, conviction, and the occasional witty one-liners.

FINAL FANTASY XVI – Ascension Trailer (Released June 12, 2023)

Focusing more on the combat aspects of the game, this short trailer teases viewers of the thrilling battles and cutscenes that the game offers, as well as the tragedies that fueled the conflict.

Final Fantasy XVI Product Information

Final Fantasy XVI
Release Date June 22, 2023
Developer Creative Business Unit III
Supported Platforms PS5
Genre RPG, Adventure
Number of Players 1
ESRB Rating Mature
Official Website


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