Helldivers 2 Will Use D&D Storytelling Elements and Even a Game Master


In an interview with PC Gamer last week, CEO Arrowhead Game Studios CEO Johan Pilestedt shared their approach in continuously developing Helldivers 2, mentioning that they intend to add the narrative twists of tabletop gaming into its expansive universe.

Helldivers 2 D&D-Style Galactic Warfare Is a Mainstay

All Thanks to Joel!


Helldivers 2 developer Arrowhead stated that they are looking into incorporating elements of Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) storytelling into the fabric of its galactic war experience. Much like with the popular tabletop board game, Arrowhead CEO Johan Pilestedt revealed that Helldivers 2 has a designated "Game Master," a developer named Joel, tasked with orchestrating the evolving saga of the game.

Drawing inspiration from D&D, the studio seeks to replicate the collaborative storytelling premise of tabletop gaming on a massive scale. While acknowledging the challenges of catering to millions of players, Arrowhead said it will weave a 'narrative tapestry' that adapts to player actions, much like a Dungeon Master tailors a campaign to suit players' choices.

"We have a lot of systems built into the game where the Game Master has a lot of control over the play experience. It's something that we're continuously evolving based on what's happening in the game," Pilestedt told PCGamer. "And as part of the roadmap, there are things that we want to keep secret because we want to surprise and delight."


From unexpected enemy reinforcements to impromptu environmental shifts, Helldivers 2's narrative arc can be shaped by the collective actions of the players. Pilestedt also mentioned instances where the Game Master (Joel) can intervene to maintain balance within the game's narrative.

The CEO explained, "It's the same format when you build that for millions of players, it's just that you can't get as personal with every individual. But you can still do the same twists and turns."

Interview with PCGamer


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