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Dragon Age QA Testers Recently Laid Off Rally At BioWare


Former quality assurance testers, who were laid off from Keywords Studios, announce plans to picket outside BioWare’s offices in Edmonton on November 7. Read on to know more.

Union Members at Keywords Studio Vote Unanimously in Favor of Strike Action

Keywords Studio’s Union Members Will Go On Strike


The rallying workers, initially contracted during the pandemic for projects like Mass Effect Legendary Edition and later on Dragon Age: Dreadwolf were laid off in September amidst negotiations to achieve their first collective agreement. The team had previously worked on quality assurance and testing for BioWare, owned by Electronic Arts (EA).

Sixteen video game testers from Keywords Studios Edmonton joined UFCW Canada (United Food and Commercial Workers Union) in the Summer of 2022. They were the first ever workers in Canada’s video game industry to form a union in their workplace.


Workers at Keywords Studios had spent over a year trying to bargain a fair first collective agreement before the news that BioWare had canceled the contract with Keyword Studios Edmonton, subsequently laying off the unionized staff. The workers cited low wages, lack of benefits such as sick pay, and health and safety concerns over a forced return to the office during the pandemic.

In late October, members of UFCW Canada Local 401 working at Keyword Studios in Edmonton unanimously voted in favor of strike action. The union members, along with other labor allies, will be rallying outside of the BioWare Edmonton offices on November 7.

Past Layoffs and Labor Complaint


In August, BioWare reportedly laid off 50 employees, including veteran developers associated with the Dragon Age series. Likewise, BioWare terminated its contract with Keywords Studios, the company responsible for supplying the QA testers for the in-development sequel Dragon Age: Dreadwolf.

EA clarified that BioWare had no involvement in the negotiations between Keywords and the union yet gave no further insights behind BioWare’s decision to cut staff on a highly anticipated sequel for Dragon Age.


Despite EA claiming that the employees, who worked remotely, had no grounds for picketing at the physical office, the Alberta Labour Relations Board ruled in favor of the workers, allowing the protest to proceed.

The game studio and its parent company have also been sued by other laid-off Dragon Age developers who stated they are being denied their full severance benefits under Canadian labor law.

Fair Play 4 Game Workers Movement


In solidarity with the Keywords Studios workers, members of the UFCW Local 401 unanimously voted in favor of strike action in late October. The striking workers are part of Fair Play 4 Game Workers, a global movement advocating for improved conditions and workers' rights in the gaming industry.

The movement comprises professionals working in the video game industry across the globe, labor advocates, and concerned gamers who are advocating for change in the industry to better benefit workers.

UFCW Canada rally announcement
Ex-Dragon Age Devs Sue BioWare Over Denying Full Severance


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